Specialist Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Assessments, Tuition and Consultancy
Dyscalculia Assessments
Maths Difficulties
Many children (and adults) experience maths-related difficulties. These can be explained by a variety of factors such as maths related anxiety, inappropriate teaching methods and gaps in education such as from Covid.
Maths difficulties can also arise from cognitive and processing information associated with dyslexia such as language skills, visual-spatial skills, working memory and processing speed. This means that many individuals with dyslexia also experience difficulties with maths.
Dyscalculia is a specific difficulty that impacts the understanding of numbers. It can occur on its own or alongside other specific learning difficulties like dyslexia.
Dyscalculia Screener
A dyslexia screener is a shorter assessment for children aged over 7 and it takes 1.5-2 hours. It will inform about the strengths and weaknesses of your child and includes a range of assessment tasks which explore number sense and maths attainment. Background information is collected from parents/carers prior to the assessment date. For the assessment, I can either come to your child's school, your child can come to me or I can visit you at home.
The purpose of the screener is to identify if your child's experienced difficulties are likely to be caused by dyscalculia and it can be used to inform teaching interventions to support your child. Although this is a good starting point, it is not a full diagnostic assessment and cannot be used for an application for Disabled Student Allowance.
Following the screener, a short confidential report with the results and key recommendations for support will be completed and emailed within two weeks. Once you receive the report, I offer a 20-minute follow-up online meeting where you can ask any questions about the report.
Dyscalculia Full Diagnostic Assessment
A full diagnostic Dyslexia assessment takes about 4 hours in total to complete the psychometric tests before a report is written up and emailed within three weeks along with a 30-minute online feedback meeting after you receive the report. The assessment begins with collecting a range of background information of your child. I will send both you and your child's learning institution an online questionnaire to complete so that I can begin to know your child along with their strengths and areas that they find more challenging.
The assessment comprises a full range of activities. These can be split over two sessions to help a child focus if required. The tests are varied and administered to help the child feel motivated and engaged. The areas that are assessed are underlying ability, maths skills, maths computation, working memory, speed of processing and some literacy aspects (spelling and reading). I can either come to your child's school, your child can come to me or I can visit you at home. I assess children from the age of 7.
A joint dyslexia and dyscalculia assessment can be completed over two sessions if there is also a need to focus on literacy skills.
Screener for children aged 7-16 £250
Full diagnostic assessment for children aged 7-16 £550
Full diagnostic assessment for both dyslexia and dyscalculia £750
Top-up dyscalculia assessment, if a dyslexia assessment has been completed within the last 12 months by Flourishing Minds, an Educational Psychologist or another Specialist Teacher Assessor with an active APC and the report is made available to Flourishing Minds at the time of booking £350.
A non-refundable deposit of £100 is required to confirm a booking and the rest is payable before the day of the assessment.